What Are Low-E Glass Windows, and Why Are They a Great Investment for Your Home?
Every homeowner cares about their home’s efficiency. The more efficient your home is, the less you spend on heating and cooling and the more comfortable your living space is. The fact is, home efficiency is important, especially in a climate like Denver, CO, which gets all four seasons. It’s why more and more area homeowners are choosing low-e glass windows.
Whether you’re updating all your windows or just replacing a few panes, low-e glass is worth the consideration because of how efficient it is. Spending a little extra on premium panes can end up saving you a whole lot of money in the long run—namely in efficiency-based costs. Imagine shaving money off your monthly energy bill because your window glass is more efficient at keeping heat in or out of your home!
What is low-e glass?
Though the name sounds a little futuristic, low-e glass windows have been around for decades. Low-e stands for “low emissivity,” which represents their ability to shield a home against unwanted heat and UV light emissions.
It’s the construction of low-e glass that’s unique. Like most modern windows, they’re constructed of two (sometimes three) panes of tempered glass, with an air gap in-between. The panes are sealed to make the gap airtight—only instead of air, the space between the panes is filled with a denser noble gas (usually argon, sometimes krypton). The secret to their efficiency is this gaseous layer, which makes it more difficult for heat to radiate through—hence, “low emissivity.”
There are also low-e coatings, which can be applied to some windows in an effort to reduce certain types of emissivity, such as UV light. This is also called an “antireflective coating.”
Why choose low-e glass windows?
When it comes to window efficiency, nothing beats low-e glass. Low-e windows are proven to reduce emissivity significantly, solving many of the efficiency problems of old, antiquated windows. Here’s how:
- Reflect UV rays without blocking light, keeping UV heating to a minimum
- Reduce heat loss during the winter months, reducing strain on furnaces
- Reduce heat intrusion during the summer months, reducing strain on AC units
The efficiency of these three forms of emission prevention are staggering. When you consider that as much as 70 percent of efficiency loss is attributed to doors and windows, making the upgrade to low-e glass becomes a smart investment very quickly.
A simple investment with big benefits
Most people love the fact that Denver, CO has four distinct seasons—it’s part of the appeal of buying a home here! What’s not so appealing is the idea that your seasonal heating and cooling costs could be much higher than they need to be.
Thankfully, the solution may be as simple as installing low-e windows or investing in a soft low-e coating. Whatever form your low-e glass takes, it’s a major upgrade over old, inefficient windows or even modern untreated panes. Contact our low-e glass experts today to learn how a glass upgrade could have big benefits for your home.
Categorised in: Low-E Glass