The History of Window Glazing | Reliable Glazing

The History of Window Glazing

May 18, 2020

A lot of people probably know about window glazing—the glass found in windows—but they might not know about reglazing or the rich history behind windows and window glass. This post will cover the basics of what you need to know about the history of window reglazing in Denver, CO and beyond, from prehistoric times up until today.

Early windows

Windows have been incorporated into structures ever since humans moved out of caves. Though there is evidence of the Romans using glass for their windows as early as the first century, the panes weren’t transparent. Most early windows were unglazed openings in walls that were covered with cloth, paper or wooden shutters. The coverings could be opened to allow some fresh air inside, but they didn’t let much sunlight (if any) into the space.

Rise of glass

The first window glass was manufactured in Britain in the early 17th century. During the process, the glass was blown into a long balloon shape. The ends were cut before the glass cooled, leaving a cylinder that was halved and flattened. As you can imagine, making this broadsheet glass was time consuming and pricy, meaning glazed windows were only used in important buildings, like churches and the homes of wealthy individuals.

The glass-making process became much faster and more affordable in the 19th century. Large glass windows were no longer reserved for the wealthy, and could now be used for all sorts of homes and businesses. However, these glazed windows were still only a single pane of glass. A glazed window was obviously better than an unglazed one, but these windows were inefficient and easy to break.

Improving energy efficiency

The history of window reglazing in Denver, CO really begins in the 20th century. Within the last few decades, single-glazed windows have fallen out of favor and have been replaced with windows that are either double or triple glazed. Double-glazed windows, also known as double-pane windows, consist of two pieces of glass with a space in the middle. The gap is typically filled with argon or a similar gas that helps ensure energy efficiency.

As the name suggests, triple-glazed windows have three panes of glass with a gas-filled space between them. These triple-pane windows are the most energy efficient out of all the options. However, they’re also much heavier and more costly to install.

Instead of opting for triple-pane windows, homeowners may want to consider windows with a Low-E glaze. Low-E glaze windows are coated with a thin metallic oxide that reflects UV rays and prevents heat from passing through the glass.

Now that you know the basics about reglazing, including the history of window reglazing in Denver, CO, it’s time to consider having your windows reglazed! Reglazing fixes the seal between the individual panes of glass, ensuring your home is as energy efficient as can be. Our professionals at Reliable Glazing can reglaze your windows in a matter of days, not weeks like some of our competitors. Give us a call today to get started on your project.

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